Thursday, November 18, 2010

State of the Media

Check it out:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Li Kai Bei Shan - Lyrics (离开悲伤)

让我 得到 力量

Concrete Jungle

where dreams are made...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Funny Story

So a couple months ago, in September, my AP Chemistry teacher caught me finishing a lab the minute before I was supposed to turn it in. In all honesty, I seriously did not know that part of the lab was due. He had said that it was "optional to do that page on the first day. You know, it's good practice to know what you're doing beforehand. But you don't have to, as long as by the end, you have it done." What I heard though, was simply "It's optional to do that page. It's good practice but you don't have to do it." Period. And so on the day it was due, I realized my hearing malfunction and was rushing to get it done. Right as I was writing down my final answer however, he walked by to collect it - and saw me rushing to finish the lab.

I guess what they say is true. First impressions really are the most important ones. One bad impression takes about 40 good ones to overcome.

Up to this day, my teacher has not trusted me. He thinks I'm a lying, cheating, pretentious A-goer who doesn't do any work by herself and simply copies other people's work. Because I'm Asian (okay, this might be a bit far-fetched, but still, I must) he thinks I'm only in it for the grade and don't actually care about what I'm doing.

But you know what Teach, it took me hours of work everyday after school and on the weekends to understand the shit you didn't teach. You put up some numbers and equations on the black board and expect students to understand but in reality, not many do. They succeed in the class not because of all YOUR lovely hard work, but through their constant persistence. Instead of looking for ways to improve your curriculum and finding better ways to allow students to understand Chemistry, you use EXACTLY the same worksheets and packets from previous years. Even your assignments on Family Access (online grade tracker) are copied over from previous years. Seriously, the AP designers change their test every year, yet you decide, since you're just that great of a teacher that you got it right the very first time, that you can go ahead and plow through the same boring old routines every year.

Anyway, onto the main story. On Friday last week, I got my lab report back. We were supposed to turn it in with our partners but my partner misheard him and thought that we had to staple our reports together. I gave my report to him and went back to my seat without checking to see what he did with it. I mean, what could go wrong, you know. We're just turning in lab reports with our lab partner's. Well, I was WRONG. Big time. When I receive my lab back (actually, my partner got it back and came to my desk to show it to me), I saw a big fat 10 out of 10 on the first page (which is actually my a part of my partner's lab). Thus; I thought that I got a 10 too since there were no marks on my lab portion, which was still stapled to his. Since Teach there didn't write anything about no staple, I assumed that everything was fine. So what if he made a mistake and stapled it, no harm done. WRONG. I go home, check Family Access, and what do I find? My AP Chem grade is down 2 levels. I click on the grade for it to show more detail and find what? That 100% lab I was happily rejoicing over is actually a 0%. Okay WOW. Shock. After a couple bursts of anger, rationality sets in. It's okay, he must not have realized mine was also in that stapled pack. He must have not seen my name written CLEARLY in big print over the top of the 3rd page. He must not have noticed that one person turned in 2 identical lab sheets. Yeah, he must have been drunk on ethanol or some triiodide solution.

Even better, today, Monday, when I go in to talk to him during lunch, he tells me "Okay, I'll take care of it" after I tell him my situation. 7th hour, when I actually have AP Chem the class, he hand me back my lab report and tells me "I really don't think you turned it in. But I put it in online" OKAY Teach. Way to just knock the breath out of me. What I was expecting was more like a "Gee I'm sorry I didn't notice that before." But instead of an apology, you bluntly proclaim that I'm a lair and you're the good ol' teach. allowing my underhanded ways to slide past you just because you're that great of a person. HA. Who exactly do you think you are Teach.? Luckily, my partner saved the day and helped me clarify the situation. Apparently, after his elucidation, he realized I was telling the truth. Although I'm still not quite sure...he may or may not have believed me.

Anyway, I didn't really continue arguing with him because I was on the verge of tears. Isn't that sad? A teacher who I don't idolize at all can still do this to me. I swear it's not because of the 0% I got initially, it was the lack of trust he had in me. I wish he could just see how much time and effort I put into that class. Totally do not deserve this lack of trust from him. Actually, this sort of reminds me of the Linkin Park song - In  the end. Exactly my sentiments right now - I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter - I had to fall and lose it all.

Yeah so I don't know what's going to happen now. I heard from my dad that my Teach. sent him an email basically saying "I don't think she turned the lab in" and so my dad replied. Conferences are tomorrow so I guess they'll have a brief heart-to-heart talk then? At least, that's what my dad says.

That would be my story. Not only did my Teach. convey to me his distrust, he's also got my parents going in on this as well. I wonder how it'll go down...At this point, my dad is clueless as to why my teacher has no trust in me. I didn't tell him that first impression story but I doubt that would have really mattered. My teach. is a brainless idiot who remembers nothing but Chemistry. I'd be surprised if he remembered our first encounter at all.

One last note. My genius Teach has absolutely the most monotone, uninteresting voice you can imagine (and maybe much worse). He has blood shot eyes and a bulging stomach. When he talks, you must FORCE yourself to listen. Because your natural instincts will tell you otherwise. Maybe that's why I zone out during his class so much. Or maybe it's just cuz he can't explain his knowledge properly and therefore my brain decides to simply stop trying to process his monotonous words...

Real Funny Story huh? :)

Btw how 'bout some of you readers post some of your "funny" moments in the comment box, and we can all complain about our lives together! :)

So you think

so you think you can step all over me
Don't trust me, do you?
Who do you think you are?
Like you're higher in status than me
you oblivious teacher
I wasn't raised with the terrible morals
as you have been raised
i don't doubt people
by judging from first impressions
I will prove to you someday
I will.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Stuck - Somebody help me
my limbs on the floor
my mind a mess

They tell me I'm apathetic
That I lack sympathy
But is there not a proverb
Those who are cold to the touch
Have a warm heart inside

Tell me - What I do not know
yes -NO
knowing will not help
Convince Me
persuade me of your truth
Lead me the way

Don't fret 
I'll follow you.


Who is headed for enlightenment?
That scientist with the logic and proof
of the mathematical formulas
that hold the earth aloof?
That silly old historian
He who knows that sometimes
things will happen
for no special rhyme or reason?


the one who studies music
to figure out what makes it 
sound so appealing 
has just 
killed the art of music.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fuck Chemistry

Realest bullshit

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Disappointment has a name
Expectations on the rise
Satisfactions on the fall
I'm sorry
I don't want to be
Don't want to be the one
Who ruins all your fun.
This appoint me end

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Uh Oh

I want some more
Uh oh 
What are you waiting for?

Hey, that's the song that's been stuck in my head all day!

3 Days Ago

Three day$ @g0
! wa$ t01d 
my gre@t-gr@ndm0ther
d!ed 0n my 
$eptem6er 2o
my gr@ndm0ther mu$t 6e 
$0 h@ppy t0 
$ee me every


They reveal my life
Announce to the world
That I am here


          A rainbow I saw
      A rainbow I climbed
But when I reached the other side
       A pot of gold
           I did not find.

I desire to learn. Is that not enough?

I desire to learn. Is that not enough?
I desire to learn. Is that not enough?